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Variable overview
Mandatory *
Mandatory *
Mandatory *
Mandatory *


Mandatory *
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.The financial situation of the household compared with 12 months ago , The financial situation of the household over the next 12 months , The general economic situation in Sweden compared with 12 months ago ,

Selected 0 of total 17


Mandatory *

Selected 0 of total 10


Mandatory *
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.All , Gender: Male , Gender: Female ,

Selected 0 of total 21


Mandatory *
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1996M01 , 1996M02 , 1996M03 ,

Selected 1 of total 339

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 2,500,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 30 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 2,500,000


Buy a car within 12 months
Since 2018, the question is only asked in January, April, July and October. See household quarterly questions for results 2018 and forward.
Buy a home within 12 months
Since 2018, the question is only asked in January, April, July and October. See household quarterly questions for results 2018 and forward.
Major home improvements within 12 months
Since 2018, the question is only asked in January, April, July and October. See household quarterly questions for results 2018 and forward.
The financial situation of the household compared with 12 months ago
Hur är ditt hushålls ekonomiska situation för närvarande jämfört med för 12 månader sedan? Är den…
The financial situation of the household over the next 12 months
Hur tror du att ditt hushålls ekonomiska situation är om 12 månader? Är den...
The general economic situation in Sweden compared with 12 months ago
Hur tycker du att den ekonomiska situationen är i Sverige för närvarande jämfört med för 12 månader sedan? Är den...
The general economic situation in Sweden over the next 12 months
Hur tror du att den ekonomiska situationen är i Sverige om 12 månader? Är den...
Prices in general compared with 12 months ago
Hur tycker du att priserna i allmänhet (dvs de svenska konsumentpriserna) har utvecklats de senaste 12 månaderna? De har...
The rate in wich prices in general will change in the next 12 months
Hur tycker du att priserna i allmänhet (dvs de svenska konsumentpriserna) har utvecklats de senaste 12 månaderna? De har...
Unemployment over the next 12 months
Hur tror du att arbetslösheten kommer att utvecklas inom de närmaste 12 månaderna? Kommer den att...?
Major purchases now
Tycker du att det i dagsläget är fördelaktigt för folk i allmänhet att göra stora inköp, som exempelvis möbler, vitvaror, elektronik osv?
Major purchases over the next 12 months
Hur mycket pengar tror du att ditt hushåll kommer att använda till inköp av sådana kapitalvaror under de närmaste 12 månaderna jämfört med de senaste 12 månaderna? Blir det...?
Saving in view of the general economic situation
Mot bakgrund av det allmänna ekonomiska läget, hur tycker du att det är att spara för närvarande? Är det...?
Saving over the next 12 months
Hur troligt är det att ditt hushåll kommer att kunna spara något under de närmaste 12 månaderna? Är det...?
Present financial situation
Vilket av följande påståenden beskriver bäst ditt hushålls nuvarande ekonomiska situation?
Buy a car within 12 months
Hur troligt är det att ditt hushåll köper eller byter bil inom de närmaste 12 månaderna? Är det...?
Buy a home within 12 months
Kommer ditt hushåll att bygga eller köpa ett hus eller en lägenhet inom de närmaste 12 månaderna? Det kan vara avsett som permanent bostad eller fritidshus. Det kan också vara avsett för uthyrning.
Major home improvements within 12 months
Hur troligt är det att ditt hushåll kommer att använda någon större summa pengar för förbättringar av bostaden/fritidshuset under de närmaste 12 månaderna? Är det...?
Personal risk of unemployment
Har risken för att du själv ska bli arbetslös under de senaste 12 månaderna...?
Household financial situation (easy - hard to predict)
Ditt hushålls framtida ekonomiska situation är för närvarande:
Age: 18-24
Until and including April 2021, the survey was conducted monthly with individuals aged 16-84
Housing Type: Rental apartment/house
This includes rental apartments as well as rented houses/villas/townhouses/agricultural properties (including lodgers)
Housing Type: Housing cooperative
This includes apartments of the housing cooperative and ownership type
Housing Type: Single-family house
This includes single-family houses of the villa/townhouse/townhouse/agricultural property type (including housing cooperatives)
Household Income: 1st quartile
Households in income quartile 1 are households with the lowest income, and households in income quartile 4 are households with the highest income.
Household Income: 2nd quartile
Households in income quartile 1 are households with the lowest income, and households in income quartile 4 are households with the highest income.
Household Income: 3rd quartile
Households in income quartile 1 are households with the lowest income, and households in income quartile 4 are households with the highest income.
Household Income: 4th quartile
Households in income quartile 1 are households with the lowest income, and households in income quartile 4 are households with the highest income.
Fråga: The financial situation of the household compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 1
Got a lot better
Fråga: The financial situation of the household compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 2
Got a little better
Fråga: The financial situation of the household compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 3
Stayed the same
Fråga: The financial situation of the household compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 4
Got a little worse
Fråga: The financial situation of the household compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 5
Got a lot worse
Fråga: The financial situation of the household compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: The financial situation of the household over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Get a lot better
Fråga: The financial situation of the household over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 2
Get a little better
Fråga: The financial situation of the household over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 3
Stay the same
Fråga: The financial situation of the household over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 4
Get a little worse
Fråga: The financial situation of the household over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Get a lot worse
Fråga: The financial situation of the household over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 1
Get a lot better
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 2
Get a little better
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 3
Stay the same
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 4
Get a little worse
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 5
Get a lot worse
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Got a lot better
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 2
Got a little better
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 3
Stayed the same
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 4
Got a little worse
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Got a lot worse
Fråga: The general economic situation in Sweden over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Prices in general compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 1
Very much higher
Fråga: Prices in general compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 2
Quit a bit higher
Fråga: Prices in general compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 3
A little higher
Fråga: Prices in general compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 4
About the same
Fråga: Prices in general compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 5
Fråga: Prices in general compared with 12 months ago , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: The rate in wich prices in general will change in the next 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Increase faster
Fråga: The rate in wich prices in general will change in the next 12 months , Serie: Option 2
Increase at the same rate
Fråga: The rate in wich prices in general will change in the next 12 months , Serie: Option 3
Increase at a slower rate
Fråga: The rate in wich prices in general will change in the next 12 months , Serie: Option 4
Stay about the same
Fråga: The rate in wich prices in general will change in the next 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Fall slightly
Fråga: The rate in wich prices in general will change in the next 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Unemployment over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Increase sharply
Fråga: Unemployment over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 2
Increase slightly
Fråga: Unemployment over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 3
Remain the same
Fråga: Unemployment over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 4
Fall slightly
Fråga: Unemployment over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Fall sharply
Fråga: Unemployment over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Major purchases now , Serie: Option 1
Yes, now is the right time
Fråga: Major purchases now , Serie: Option 2
Not used in this question
Fråga: Major purchases now , Serie: Option 3
It is neither the right time or the wrong time
Fråga: Major purchases now , Serie: Option 4
Not used in this question
Fråga: Major purchases now , Serie: Option 5
No, it is the wrong time, purchase should be postponed
Fråga: Major purchases now , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Major purchases over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Much more
Fråga: Major purchases over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 2
A little more
Fråga: Major purchases over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 3
About the same
Fråga: Major purchases over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 4
A little less
Fråga: Major purchases over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Much less
Fråga: Major purchases over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Saving in view of the general economic situation , Serie: Option 1
A very good time to save
Fråga: Saving in view of the general economic situation , Serie: Option 2
Quite a good time to save
Fråga: Saving in view of the general economic situation , Serie: Option 3
Neither a good, nor an unfavourable time to save
Fråga: Saving in view of the general economic situation , Serie: Option 4
Rather an unfavourable time to save
Fråga: Saving in view of the general economic situation , Serie: Option 5
A very unfavourable time to save
Fråga: Saving in view of the general economic situation , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Saving over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Very likely
Fråga: Saving over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 2
Fairly likely
Fråga: Saving over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 4
Fairly unlikely
Fråga: Saving over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Very unlikely
Fråga: Saving over the next 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Present financial situation , Serie: Option 1
We are saving a lot
Fråga: Present financial situation , Serie: Option 2
We are saving a little
Fråga: Present financial situation , Serie: Option 3
We are just managing to make ends meet on our income
Fråga: Present financial situation , Serie: Option 4
We have to draw on our savings
Fråga: Present financial situation , Serie: Option 5
We are running into debt
Fråga: Present financial situation , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Buy a car within 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Very likely
Fråga: Buy a car within 12 months , Serie: Option 2
Fairly likely
Fråga: Buy a car within 12 months , Serie: Option 4
Fairly unlikely
Fråga: Buy a car within 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Very unlikely
Fråga: Buy a car within 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Buy a home within 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Yes, definitely
Fråga: Buy a home within 12 months , Serie: Option 2
Fråga: Buy a home within 12 months , Serie: Option 4
Probably not
Fråga: Buy a home within 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Definitely not
Fråga: Buy a home within 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Major home improvements within 12 months , Serie: Option 1
Very likely
Fråga: Major home improvements within 12 months , Serie: Option 2
Fairly likely
Fråga: Major home improvements within 12 months , Serie: Option 4
Fairly unlikely
Fråga: Major home improvements within 12 months , Serie: Option 5
Very unlikely
Fråga: Major home improvements within 12 months , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know
Fråga: Personal risk of unemployment , Serie: Option 1
A lot greater
Fråga: Personal risk of unemployment , Serie: Option 2
A little greater
Fråga: Personal risk of unemployment , Serie: Option 3
About the same
Fråga: Personal risk of unemployment , Serie: Option 4
A little less
Fråga: Personal risk of unemployment , Serie: Option 5
A lot less
Fråga: Personal risk of unemployment , Serie: Option 6
No opinion
Fråga: Household financial situation (easy - hard to predict) , Serie: Option 1
Easy to predict
Fråga: Household financial situation (easy - hard to predict) , Serie: Option 2
Moderately easy to predict
Fråga: Household financial situation (easy - hard to predict) , Serie: Option 3
Not used in this question
Fråga: Household financial situation (easy - hard to predict) , Serie: Option 4
Moderately difficult to predict
Fråga: Household financial situation (easy - hard to predict) , Serie: Option 5
Difficult to predict
Fråga: Household financial situation (easy - hard to predict) , Serie: Option 6
Don’t know