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Household, interest rates and inflation
Variable overview
Mandatory *
Mandatory *
Mandatory *
Mandatory *


Mandatory *

Selected 0 of total 10


Mandatory *

Selected 0 of total 2


Mandatory *
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.All , Gender: Male , Gender: Female ,

Selected 0 of total 21


Mandatory *
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2001M12 , 2002M01 , 2002M02 ,

Selected 1 of total 268

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 2,500,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 30 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 2,500,000


Expected price, housing in general
This question is not asked after October 2017
Expected price, own home
This question is not asked after October 2017
Perceived inflation now, old method
Hur många procent tycker du att priserna i allmänhet har förändrats de senaste 12 månaderna?
Expected inflation 12 months ahead, old method
Hur många procent tror du att priserna i allmänhet (dvs de svenska konsumentpriserna) kommer att förändras de närmaste 12 månaderna?
Perceived inflation now
Hur många procent tycker du att priserna i allmänhet har förändrats de senaste 12 månaderna?
Expected inflation 12 months ahead
Hur många procent tror du att priserna i allmänhet (dvs de svenska konsumentpriserna) kommer att förändras de närmaste 12 månaderna?
Interest rate expectation 1 year's time
Hur hög tror du att den rörliga bostadsräntan är om 1 år?
Interest rate expectation 2 year's time
Hur hög tror du att den rörliga bostadsräntan är om 2 år?
Interest rate expectation 5 year's time
Hur hög tror du att den rörliga bostadsräntan är om 5 år?
Mean mortage rate
Genomsnittlig listränta beräknas som ett medelvärde av 3 månaders listräntor för fem av de största bankerna.
Expected price, housing in general
Jämfört med dagens prisnivåer, hur många procent tror du att bostadspriserna kommer att förändras de kommande 12 månaderna?
Expected price, own home
Hur många procent tror du att priset på din bostad kommer att förändras de kommande 12 månaderna?
Age: 18-24
Until and including April 2021, the survey was conducted monthly with individuals aged 16-84
Housing Type: Rental apartment/house
This includes rental apartments as well as rented houses/villas/townhouses/agricultural properties (including lodgers)
Housing Type: Housing cooperative
This includes apartments of the housing cooperative and ownership type
Housing Type: Single-family house
This includes single-family houses of the villa/townhouse/townhouse/agricultural property type (including housing cooperatives)
Household Income: 1st quartile
Households in income quartile 1 are households with the lowest income, and households in income quartile 4 are households with the highest income.
Household Income: 2nd quartile
Households in income quartile 1 are households with the lowest income, and households in income quartile 4 are households with the highest income.
Household Income: 3rd quartile
Households in income quartile 1 are households with the lowest income, and households in income quartile 4 are households with the highest income.
Household Income: 4th quartile
Households in income quartile 1 are households with the lowest income, and households in income quartile 4 are households with the highest income.